The grounds of the Mellow estate in Cramley is earmarked as a site for AFFF scheme using Yemeni garden techniques

Growing our own food and training in IT offers huge employment opportunities for Cramley youth - swapping drugdealing for multimedia and organic food production. Our designs for the garden allotments are modelled on the Yemeni 3-tiered garden oasis which utilises tree, shrub, bush. We propose that Cramley be twinned with the Yemeni village of Hazaj who have an Internet connection installed by the CTA. Their gardening expertise can be traded with our technological expertise forging a very creative and fruitful relationship. The CTA is vocal critic on the nanny state tendency and we like to the promote the benefits of DIY self-reliance. That is why we are proposing that tenants of Cramley Housing manage their own estates with an injection of cash from the New Town Challenge scheme. With this, the food and computer allotments can be built on the estate gardens and expertise brought in locally and from the Yemen. Imagine the benefits socially, educationally and ecomically. Young people, the disabled and offenders can learn how to grow organic food and establish the vital link between growing food and consuming it. Potatoes do not come ready-mashed from a Nu-Kost packet as some of our youngsters were found to believe in a recent survey. All produce can be sold to neighbouring boroughs like Croydon and Dulwich, and eventually through the use of the Internet, all over the world. The revenue potential is astonishing. Furthermore Cramley can stock its own supermarket with its own produce to replace the much-loved and much-missed Nu-Kost. To celebrate the 5th birthday of Cramley's Art In Action Unit a grant from the CTA is being made available for artists to design allotments and supermarkets.
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