Fast, Cheap and Out of Control Timothy Druckrey 05.02.98 Subversion, identity and the impossibility of avatars to escape intersubjectivity The New York critic Timothy Druckrey doesn't really indicate in the following essay what made him write it in the first place: just before Christmas an unknown e-mail bungler hacked his/her way in Druckrey's account and sent a series of mails, as well faxes to some art magazines, containing a nasty pamphlet against the net artist Heath Bunting. Shortly afterwards Mark Amerika and Peter Weibel became victims of a similar 'subversive act'. Since then the opinion emerged that it was Bunting himself who generated the Bunting witch hunt. In the following Druckrey explains - without directly referring to the original incident - what he thinks about such activism and does not hesitate to use heavy duty quotes along the way, Enzensberger, Zizek, Adilkno and Sloterdijk, to name but a few... Brilliant, demanding and so definitely Druckrey, that it has to be a fake!