J Sainsbury plc
C/O Denton Hall
No 5 Chancery Lane
Clifford's Inn
London EC4A 1BU

Email: hjn@dentonhall.com
Fax: 0171 320 6071

Date: Friday 11th July 1997

Dear Sirs

J Sainsbury plc ("Sainsburys")

We refer to the letter from your solicitors dated 2nd July
1997. I hereby undertake to:

1. as the webmaster to remove http://www.irational.org/tm/clubcard/
& http://www.irational.org/tm/clubcard/

2. not to accept legal responsibility for the work of users at IRATIONAL.ORG

In consideration of us forwith sending to you printouts of
all replies to Sainsburys REWARD scheme we hereby demand
whether by yourselves your agents or otherwise howsoever to
return a signed copy of the below contract. This undertaking
is binding on our successors and assigns.

Yours Faithfully

Jul N Seven

for and on behalf of Jul N Seven, Webmaster of IRATIONAL.ORG