Vahida Ramujkic / BIOGRAPHIES

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aviv kruglanski and vahida ramujkic started collaborating in
(2011 / with Aviv / feminist activist context / documentary )
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bio- bio
(fot the)
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Born in Belgrade 1973. In early years of life tortured and exterminated dozens of ants and worms and something later she took part in beheading of an adder. She studied different ways to construct habitats in the trees and inside the houses. She also organised a fashion show for dolls, for the fall/winter season 1978/79. As a minor accededed to the various casinos on Costa azul and won prizes in cash and a pair of plastic sunglasess. In later years she crossed several european borders without official autorization.
(Barcelona / 2002 / Rotorrr)

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Born in Yugoslavia, lived in Spain, returned to Serbia.
Freelance artist, practitioner, designer, educator.
One of the founders of Rotor Collective (Barcelona 2001-2007). In her work often collaborative she is looking for new methods and strategies for learning trough experience and creative practice balancing on the border between art, activism, design, social studies, politics, etc.
She is the author of 5 books, took part in numerous exhibitions worldwide.
Ongoing projects are “Disputed Histories”, “Documentary Embroidery” and “Microcultures”.
(2011 / 75 words)

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born in yugoslavia, lived in spain, returned to serbia;
from 2001 to 2006 closely collaborated with laia sadurni in rotor collective (barcelona) organizing urban expeditions trough the territories of ground, water and air (;
2006 completes works on book "schengen with ease", a text book for getting acquainted in bureaucratic procedures for regulation of foreigners status in european union;
2006 founded a disputed history library, collecting history text-books from the ex yugoslav realm, organizing workshops where different historic narratives are analyzed and interpreted in new collage issues;
2007 initiates real time documentary embroidery project with aviv kruglanski, on going in different suburb areas;
2011 initiates microcultures project with moshe robas and aviv kruglanski experimentating fermentation process in culinary, social and economic sense;
doesn't believe but experiments.
(short, chronological / 2012)

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He nacido en 1973 en Belgrado. En epoca tempana de mi vida he maltratado y acabado con docenas de hormigas y lombrices y algo mas tarde he tomado parte en degollacion de una culebra. He estudiado las maneras de construccion de casas en arboles y casas dentro de casas. Tambien he organizado una revia de moda para muñecas, para la temporada otoño/invierno 1978/79. Como menor de edad he accidido en varios casinos de la Costa azul, y ganado varios premios en metalico y unas gafas de sol. Mas tarde he cruzado varios fronteras europeas sin autorizacion oficial
(Rotorrr / es / 2002)

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Rođena u Beogradu 1973 gde je i završila studije Likovnih Umetnosti. Od 1998 do 2008 boravi u Barseloni (Španija) gde 2001 sa Laiom Sadurni osniva grupu Rotor ( koja aktivno deluje do 2006 godine inicirajući serije projekata u javnom prostoru na granici umetnosti, aktivizma, urbanizma i socijalnih studija. Dugo lično iskustvo i istraživanja na temu administrativnih procedura pri regulacije statusa za stranace na teritoriji Evropske Unije, 2006 godine uobličuje se u knjigu ‘Šengen bez muke’. Povratkom na domaći teren, u putovanju po bivšim Jugoslovenskim republikama, 2006 godine, započinje sakupljanje udžbenika istorije iz raznih vremenskih razdoblja, koja će se formirati u biblioteku ‘Istorije u raspravi’; 2008 g. u Kairu izdaje knjigu 'Dnevnik integracije u Kairu'; 2009 izdaje knjigu 'Oluja, povratak kuci i druge strasne price za decu', gde belezi i ilustruje price svoje bake iz detinjstva i ratnog perioda povodom njihovog zajednickog putovanja u Primislje, bakino rodno mesto u Kordunu; Pokreće projekte i radionice koje se bave reciklažom otpadnih proizvoda masovne proizvodnje gde manuelna transfortmacija postoji samo kao podtekst za onu na individualnom i društvenom planu; 2008 započinje saradnju sa Avivom Kruglankim na projektu dokumentarnog veza koja gostuje u prigradskim naseljima Kaira, Barselone, Bristola i Beograda.
Kroz individualno staralaštvo ili u saradnji, njeni umetnički projekti pre se baziraju na relacijama koje se uspostavljaju kroz sam proces realizacije rada na taj način pruzajući mogućnost sticanja novih znanja i iskustava, nego na završenim objektima ili definicijama koje bi mogle biti date. Često inkluzivnom metodom i otvorenom strukturom, ona u svojim projektima poziva učesnike na aktivno ucešće u kolektivnom radu, koji će biti mozaički formiran od individualnih intervencija i rešenja. U tom smislu njen rad je vise ambientalne ili kontekstualne prirode - on se bavi kreiranjem uslova ili situacija koji ce inspirisati nove kreativne momente i transformacije na ličnom i društvenom planu.
(2010 / exhibition)

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Rođena u Beogradu 1973.
Od 1998 do 2008 boravi u Barseloni (Španija) gde 2001 sa Laiom Sadurni osniva grupu Rotor koja aktivno deluje do 2006 godine inicirajući serije projekata u javnom prostoru na granici umetnosti, aktivizma, urbanizma i socijalnih studija. Paralelno visegodisnje lično iskustvo bavlenja birokratskim procedurama kao stranca u Evropskoj Uniji u 2006oj uobličuje u knjigu ‘Šengen bez muke’ (2006), praktican vodic i analiza administrativnih zakona i procedura za strance na teritoriji Shengena i Evropskoj Uniji. Vracajuci se na domaći teren, kroz putovanje po bivšim Jugoslovenskim republikama, 2006 godine, započinje sakupljanje udžbenika istorije iz raznih vremenskih razdoblja, koja će nastaviti da se formira u biblioteku ‘Istorije u raspravi’; Ova biblioteka naknadno posluzice kao osnova za serije radionica. 2010 publikuje knjigu 'Oluja, povratak kuci i druge strasne price za decu', gde belezi i ilustruje price svoje bake iz detinjstva i ratnog perioda prilikom njihovog zajednickog putovanja u Primislje, bakino rodno mesto u Kordunu. Pokrece projekte i radionice koje se bave obradom otpadnih proizvoda masovne proizvodnje gde manuelna transfortmacija postoji kao podtekst za onu na individualnom i drustvenom planu. 2008 zapocinje saradnju sa Avivom Kruglankim na projektu dokumentarnog veza koja gostuje u prigradskim naseljima Kaira, Barselone, Bristola, Beograda, Varsave, itd. Takodje u saradnji sa A. Kruglanskim zapocinje istrazivacko prakticki projekat ‘Mikrokulture – u saradnji sa mikroorganizmima’ koji eksperimentise sa procesom fermentacije na kulinarskom i drustvenom planu.
(2011 / art context)

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Rodjena u Beogradu 1973 gde je i završila studije Likovnih Umetnosti. Od 1998 do 2008 boravi u Barseloni (Španija) gde 2001 sa Laiom Sadurni osniva grupu Rotor ( koja aktivno deluje do 2006 godine inicirajući serije projekata u javnom prostoru na granici umetnosti, aktivizma, urbanizma i socijalnih studija. Dugo lično iskustvo i istraživanja na temu administrativnih procedura pri regulacije statusa za stranace na teritoriji Evropske Unije, 2006 godine uobličuje se u knjigu ‘Šengen bez muke’. Povratkom na domaći teren, u putovanju po bivšim Jugoslovenskim republikama, 2006 godine, započinje sakupljanje udžbenika istorije iz raznih vremenskih razdoblja, koja će se formirati u biblioteku ‘Istorije u raspravi’; 2008 g. u Kairu izdaje knjigu 'Dnevnik integracije u Kairu'; 2009 izdaje knjigu 'Oluja, povratak kući i druge strašne priče za decu', gde beleži i ilustruje priče svoje bake iz detinjstva i ratnog perioda povodom njihovog zajedničkog putovanja u Primišlje, bakino rodno mesto u Kordunu; Pokreće projekte i radionice koje se bave reciklažom otpadnih proizvoda masovne proizvodnje, gde manuelna transfortmacija postoji samo kao pretekst za onu na individualnom i društvenom planu; 2008 započinje saradnju sa Avivom Kruglankim na projektu Dokumentarnog veza koja gostuje u prigradskim naseljima mnogih svetskih gradova. A 2011. u saradnji sa Mosheom Robesom i Avivom Kruglanskim započinje drugi dugoročan projekat, Mikrokulture, koji se bavi izučavanjem i praktikovanjem procesa fermentacije hrane kao mogućeg socijalnog i ekonomskog uzora.

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A través de la acción directa no mediada, utilizando el cuerpo como herramienta principal y el entorno inmediato como superfície, RoToR basa su método en la experiencia propia y el material no procesado para entender y transformarse a si mismo y a su entorno incitando un proceso evolutivo que permita abrir corredores y lazos para la libre circulación de ideas.
RoToR no concluye sino que abre conexiones; construye puentes (internos-externos / personales-sociales) en un lento 'itinerario' y enfoque en los medios naturales: Mar, Tierra y Aire.

Resume de trabajos:

Ambito terrestre: (rutas aventureras y edición de mapas temporales en barrio de transformación, Exploraciones, Safaris y Planariae Poble Now; Olimpiada de escalada de esculturas olímpicas en Barcelona, Cantar la Calle, guía auditivo de Terassa; Juegos topográficos GPS manual, Loi, loi, loisir, juego de mesa basado en el territorio urbano de Bruselas, etc.);
Ambitos aquaticos: (construcción de balsas en ámbitos urbanos reciclando el material de construcción, Gira la barrera, edición de manual y salidas de navegación en desembocadura de Besos, Barcelona, Züric y Bristol);
Ambitos aéreos (apertura de rutas aéreas por los tejados de Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, Vincles AlTTerats; organización de festival auto-gestionado AutonomiAereA; Instant Ladder, talleres de construcción de dispositivo móvil, puente/escalera para conectar distintas superficies urbanas, etc.).
(Rotorrr / 2007)

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Vahida Ramujkić (Belgrade, 1973) - artist and cultural organiser, currently engaged as a member of an Steering Committee of the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia, and Executive Committee of the International Association of Artists (AIAP-UNESCO). Through her artistic work she is dedicated to developing methodologies for collaborative work, expanding base of knowledge, and generating social and economic equity underlying social functionality of arts. She is co-founder of the art collectives Rotorrr, Minipogon, member of, in charge of volunteer organization of NoNameKitchenSerbia. Since 2020 she co-coordinates the Debate- research program within the Association of Fine artists of Serbia. She studied at the University of Fine Arts in Belgrade, where she obtained Master (2001) and PhD degree (2019). In 1998/99 specialized at Madrid Complutense University and Fine Arts University of Barcelona. Her artistic work mainly develops through long-term research projects, and collaborations. In 2001 together with Laia Sadurni founded Rotor collective which from 2001 to 2006 had its base and mainly operated in Barcelona’s neighborhood of Poblenou at the time undergoing great urban transformations induced by neoliberal economy. Using Poblenou as a test sample for understanding complex processes occurring on a global scale and in order to build active relation to it Rotor develops its own methodologies grounded in achieving experience through explorations and adventurous routes, relying on first hand non-mediated information, developing relation to material surrounding by exercising physical skills, spontaneous choreography, playfulness, intuition, improving orientation by creation of temporary maps, setting conditions for diverse kind of events, festivals, activist actions to take place. All of this is comprised in a long term projects such as: Safaris Poble NOW!, Scuplture Climbing Olimpiade BCN02, alTeraTs, Festival of AutonomiAereA, Manual GPS, Telechronicas, etc (presented at Invisible Cities, Myymälä2, Helsinki, Finland; Contemporarry Cartografies, La Caixa, Barcelona; ROTORRRETRO (solo show) Dispari&Dispari, Reggio Emillia, 2007; Carte Blanche, Le Commissariat, Paris, 2006; Quòrum, La Capella, Barcelona, 2004; Procesos oberts, Sala Moncunill, Terrassa, 2004; After the News, CCCB, Barcelona 2003; Aire Incondicional, Zuric Shedhalle 2003; Mira como se mueven, Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid 2003, OVNI Video Festival, CCCB, Barcelona 2002, etc, awarded by Generacion 2003, Caja Madrid and Mapas para desorientacion, La Caixa Forum, 2003). Individual long term project Disputed Histories (2007/ongoing) consists of a growing library of history text-books and a series of workshops over the time realised in different contexts ,such as: Spaport, Banjaluka; NGBK, Berlin; October Salon, Belgrade; Mostar, Rijeka, Jashi, etc. Segment of this work ‘False Truths’ was awarded with the main prize of the 52nd October Salon in 2011. Another long term project Documentary Embroidery has been operating since 2008, with Aviv Kruglanski, and later Dejan Došljak, as a method for collective (auto)representation using traditional techniques of embroidery. It has been realized through the temporary operation of the Documentary Embroidery Office in Bristol, Jerusalem, Warsaw, Mexico City, among many other places producing large scale tapestries. In 2017. with a group of colleagues, artists, activists and scientists (Tijana Cvetković, Danilo Prnjat and Chow Sing Tai) she initiated the Minipogon collective with an aim to experiment new ways of production and redistribution generating more social equity. For more than one year Minipogon’s workshop, based on the self-constructed plastic-recycling plant, has been operating in the refugee camp Krnjača placed in the Belgrade outskirts, thus gathering in collaboration camp inmates, art students, informal waste collectors, etc. Ramujkic edited a number of artist books Schengen with Ease (2006); Storm, Return Home and Other Terrible Stories for Children (2010); co-created Olympic Guide through Barcelona (2004); s-t-i-t- c-h-i-n-g-s (2014), Irational’s Traum (2012), Rotor Manual for Terrae, Aqua and Air (2008), Work in Art (2021), etc. Another projects to mention are: Business as usual (Spike Island, Bristol), Plastic bag (Belgrade, different places), Neighborhood Superheroes (Cairo, Barcelona 2010) Microcultures, in collaboration with microorganisms, (with Moshe Robas and Aviv Kruglanski) Belgrade, Leskovac, Villarrubia, and Barcelona 2011).
(formal, 2023)
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Vahida Ramujkic (Belgrade, 1973), is an artist who base her practice in social context. Often through long term collaborative research her projects evolve in time taking different forms and formats: workshops, exhibitions, public interventions, public art, embroideries, magazines, books, songs, etc. Her ongoing works such as Documentary Embroidery, Microcultures and Disputed Histories deal with the questions of identity, representation and subjectivization in the current social and political system exploring the border between common/everyday practices and the normative ones. Her work has been mainly presented in the art and cultural contexts nationally and internationally, such are exhibitions, seminaries, festivals, etc., but also in different kinds of academic and non-academic contexts, seminaries, conferences, etc. She published books (Schengen with ease, Cairo Integration Diary, Storm, return Home and other terrible stories for children). She is one of the founders of the collective (Barcelona 2001) and member of the Her work Disputed Histories was awarded with the 1st prize on 52nd October Salon.
(conference participant / 2013)

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Vahida Ramujkic es una artista que basa su práctica en el contexto social. Sus trabajos suelen desarrollarse como investigaciones colaborativas a largo plazo, y se concretizan tomando diferentes formas y formatos: talleres, exposiciones, intervenciones públicas, bordados, revistas, libros, canciones, etc. Sus obras en curso, como Bordado documental, Microculturas y Historias en disputa abordan cuestiones de representación, subjetivación, autoria, propriedad, explorando la capacidad de arte para ser un factor social importante, trabajando en la frontera entre las prácticas diarias y las normativas, trabajo manual y intelectual. Su trabajo se ha presentado principalmente en contextos artísticos y culturales a nivel nacional e internacional, como son exposiciones, seminarios, festivales, etc., pero también en diferentes tipos de contextos académicos, seminarios, conferencias, etc. Publicó libros (Schengen with ease, Cairo Integration Diary, Storm, return Home and other terrible stories for children). Es una de las fundadoras del colectivo (Barcelona 2001) y miembro del Su trabajo en Historias en disputa fue galardonado con el 1er premio en el 52º Salón de Octubre.
(2014 - formal)

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Vahida Ramujkic ha nacido en Belgrado en el año 1973, actualmente vive y trabaja en Barcelona.
A partir del año 2001 en colaboración con Laïa Sadurni en duo-colectivo Rotor realiza una serie de trabajos relacionados a estrategias de vida cotidiana en ámbitos terrestres (rutas aventureras y edición de mapas temporales en barrio de transformación, Exploraciones, Safaris y Planariae Poble Now; Olimpiada de escalada de esculturas olímpicas en Barcelona, Cantar la Calle, guía auditivo de Terassa; Juegos topográficos GPS manual, Loi, loi, loisir, juego de mesa basado en el territorio urbano de Bruselas, etc.) acuáticos (construcción de balsas en ámbitos urbanos reciclando el material de construcción, Gira la barrera, edición de manual y salidas de navegación en desembocadura de Besos, Barcelona, Züric y Bristol) y aéreos (apertura de rutas aéreas por los tejados de Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, Vincles AlTTerats; organización de festival auto-gestionado AutonomiAereA; Instant Ladder, talleres de construcción de dispositivo móvil, puente/escalera para conectar distintas superficies urbanas, etc.).
En colaboración con otros colectivos y particulares participa en los proyectos ParkCentralParc (proyecto de jardín comunitario en Poblenou, mapa colaborativo, ¿De que realmente va el Forum?, Elementary Balkans, investigación comparativa de reconstrucción de historias nacionales en distintas regiones de Balkanes de oeste (ex-Yugoslavia), etc.
De manera individual ha elaborado el libro Schengen sin esfuerzo que trata las practicas cotidianas que se emplean en proceso de cambio de status legal para ciudadanos no comunitarios.
Activamente reparte clases de Fiskultura Urbana en Universitat Pirata.
(Rotorrr / 2007)

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Vahida Ramujkic practices art within a social context. In 2001 with Laia Sadurni she founds Rotor Collective in Barcelona. Till 2008 they realise series of long term projects such as: Poble NOW, AirAutonomy, Manual GPS, Telechronicles, etc. As part of art/research projects she publishes books ‘Schengen with ease' (2006), 'Cairo Integration Diary' (2008), ‘Storm, return home and other terrible stories for children’ (2009). In 2007, initiates ‘Disputed Histories’ project, a history textbook library and a series of workshops that compare and analyse contradicting historic narratives. In 2008 she initiates collaboration with Aviv Kruglanski with the Documentary Embroidery project that extends to other projects such as Neighborhood Superheroes (Cairo, Barcelona 2010) and Microcultures, in collaboration with microorganisms (also with Moshe Robes).
(2014, short)

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Vahida Ramujkic, Belgrado, 1973 actualmente vive y trabaja entre Barcelona, Belgrado y Bristol.
A partir del año 2001 en colaboración con Laïa Sadurní en duo-colectivo Rotor realiza una serie de trabajos que comprenden el espacio publico y el rol que tomamos dentro de el a traves de exploraciones aventureras, juegos, cartografía, etc. En año 2007 Rotor concluye la primera etapa de su actividad (1era rotacion) publicando el balance de su obra retrospectiva como Manuales para la Tierra, Agua y Aire.
Larga experiencia personal y investigación en temas de procedimientos burocráticos de conseguir el status del ciudadano de Unión Europea en el año 2006 concluyen en el libro ‘Schengen sin esfuerzo’ que pretende hacer una analisis de la ley de imaginación en EU y sus posibilidades de cumplirla de manera eficaz.
Proyectos que actualmente la ocupan son: El bordado documental, Bolsas volantes y botellas flotantes (reciclaje de residuos de producción masiva: bolsas y botellas de plástico), película documental-animada Tormenta y otros terribles historias para los niños, Historias en disputa (estudio comparativo de los libros de texto de historia en los países provenientes de la Federación Yugoslava), etc. En su praxis artística esta tratando los procesos de transformación en el entorno y sociedad a través del reciclaje físico y psíquico construyendo las estrategias para los individuos de tomar el control sobre sus transformaciones. Métodos que emplea son creación de condiciones para que ocurran cosas buenas, aprendizaje de su propia experiencia, siendo guiado por la intuición.
(Bristol / 2010)

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Vahida ramujkic, rodjena 1973. godine u beogradu. završila
(75 reci / serb)
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Vahida was born in a country that no longer exists, in a mixed marriage and raised in communist manner. As young child, she spent days drawing with head to the floor that caused her bad eyesight on the left eye. Most of the time she spent in the garret of her grand parents fabricating dolls, their clothes and houses. With other kids from the neighborhood she built houses in trees, set up a base camp in the woods and staged great moments of the world history playing in mud and snow in the garden.
In 2001 with Laia Sadurni she initiated the Rotor collective that will undertake a series of projects and explorations in the local area of Barcelona, examning the nature of global changes, developing “its own way” and methodologies, built on personal experience, play, intuition, improvisation.. They organised Safaries, uncharted explorations of Barcelonian neighbourhood Poblenow undergoing urban redevelopment and gentrification, Olimpyc Games in climbing public sculptures installed for the Barcelona 92 Olimpics, Festival on the city roofs, under the name AutonomiAereA, raft building out of descarted materials collected on construction-sites and further navigations, etc..
Nowadays she is researching on the ways to narrate common histories transcending the national perspectives. In 2008 she formed a library Disputed Histories, comprised of history textbooks from the region, that serve as a basic material for further workshops where history is approached from non-professional and nonscientific standpoint, being the textbooks recycled into new collage booklets. With Aviv Kruglanski in 2008 she starts to develop a new-old technique for documenting reality that they call documentary embroidery, and promote it as the most efficient way of documenting reality, as it “creates less images in more time”. She authored a couple of books, of which the most important are “Schengen sin Esfuerzo”, a book that gives a more profound insight on the European immigration policies and the ways newcomers “navigate” it in practice, “Storm, Return home and other horrible stories for children”, where she collects and illustrates memories of her grandmother from her childhood and the war period, among others.. Work she is developing is also art often bordering with other disciplines, and also takes place in the are galleries apart from other kind of institutions and most of street. Among other users of server a kind of art she is working within is comprised as non-representational.
(2014, upgraded version of 2009 unconventional bio)

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Vahida was born in a country that no longer exists, in a mixed orthodox/muslim marriage raised in communist manner. Autistic as young child, she spent days drawing with head to the floor. Thats how she became blind on the left eye. At the age of 5 she received the first revelation of cosmic powers. Most of the time she spent in the garret of her grand parents fabricating dolls, their clothes and house. With other kids from the neighborhood she built houses in trees, set up a base camp in the woods and made things out of mud and snow from the garden.
Nowdays she is researching transformation processes occurring in environment and society through physical and psychical recycling, building strategies for individuals to take control over their transformation. Methods she is applying are based on creating conditions for good things to happen, learning from her own experience, be guided by intuition.
(2009 / dramatic)

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