Tuesday · May 20 · 2008

- call for yoga course but the center is having a holiday today

- i hear the front door ring tone for the first time. Its a garbage collector.

- my mother arriving this night

- i have to call psychiatrist to tell him not to send me messages any more.

- first caligraphy lesson today 1.30 (!) i got wrong the time - lesson was starting at 12h. So I get out running and take a taxi. Taxi ride takes 1h and driver doesn't have any clue where is this place. I get angry with a taxi driver. At the end results that caligraphy professor also gave the wrong adress. During the lesson professors wife is sitting with us all the time. We start with practical things immediately. Only thing is that he wants to charge me 300EP for an hour. His time is very expensive - he says. I still have to think about it. The firsst lesson was free.

caligraphy lesson caligraphy lesson

- On the way back taxi driver talks me in arabic lots and I talk him in serbian.

taxi lines bus

- going back home at the falafel place I talk with a guy who saiid he is a taxi driver. We arrange to meet at 2.15 this night to go to the airport to pick up my mother.

- i drink Nestle water today

water nestle

- in the evening raffle party on the cic roof. I coment to some people about the taxi driver with whom I arranged ride to the airport this night. When I mention that he is having light blue car that is not proper Taxi car they say no-no, you should not do this. Hana offers herself to help me with getting the taxi tonight. I feel bad for the taxi driver I arraged to meet tonight, so I want to call him and cancel him but realise his phone was not memorised in my phone. - after raffle people go to another place - La bodega. Going there in Shahiras car, listening to Iranian singer Feyruze on the way.

- La Bodega is fancy place where alcoholic drinks and coctails are served. We are making big mostly female group. I talk with Fatiha - an arab dance professor - She is giving a class tomorrow 19h at Mededin Studio. I said will try to come.

- going back home with Shahira very tired. Rest for half an hour, Around 1h I go to Hana's place. Find more hexagram pieces on the way

hexagram pattern hexagram pattern

We have a drink and talk. Around 2h we go out to get a taxi for the airport. We pick up my mother and drive back home. Tired and headache. Need to sleep lots.

Studio- work:
- insert images in diary
- belly dance flier


- call german girl for craft workshops
- get Minhas contact
Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary