Sunday · May 25 · 2008

- wake up very tired and go to Wadi Al-Ryan and Wadi Al-Hyat that is a Valley of the wales. Its like in a dream

fayum morning

wadi ill hytan gogi car wadi ill hytan gogi ramadan wadi ill hytan wadi ill hytan wadi ill hytan wadi ill hytan wadi ill hytan wadi ill hytan gogi ramadan wadi ill hytan whale fossils wadi ill hytan ramadan

wadi ill hytan shay

- waterfalls

wadi ill ryan wadi ill ryan wadi ill ryan wadi ill ryan wadi ill ryan wadi ill ryan wadi ill ryan lunch

- in the eveninng I get out in the skirt for the first time - feel tension - on the street a car runs in to me - after i feel something hitting me in the back, whwn i turn arround i see a small girl running away. I go after her - she turns in to the courtyard. Two other something older girls shows up. One of them say - hello smiling. I say Hello, why she is throwing things on me? Im sorry she says and she is so cute.

Work at studio:



Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary