Thursday · June 19 · 2008

- no visa problems arriving to cairo - just had to buy a stamp

- arriving from the airport strait to the studio / taxi driver accepts another customer, middle aged man english, he talks a lot about himself / he is doing some business with stones in Egypt. When he leaves the taxi the taxi driver tells me - This mister not good - he born England but he not national, he israel - not good, you very good you beutiful... bah, i'm not in a good mood

- arriving to cic - kind of tracktor comming towards me leaving big cloud of white smoke behind - people gesticulating to move away - i put my scarf over the face and go inside to go to cic - - package from my mother arrived.

- meet people / work in studio

- schedule meetings and classes for the next days









- start economic balance


- > IN

from whom? for what? how? original currency how much?
HANGAR residency fee cash from 3rd persons credit card 200euro 1.640EP
HANGAR residency fee left in wallet 100EP
my mother left over sent in enveloppe 120EP
TOTAL: 1.860EP

< - OUT (daily expences)

Type: Item: Specification: No.: Price:
governement tax egyptian visa stamp i was said I cant get it on the border 1 month 90EP
transportation taxi from the airport after negotiating the price Airport-Tahreer Sq. 70EP
alimentation water + milk 2 x 1l 8EP

+ TOTAL IN: + 1.860EP
- today expences - 168EP


+ 1.692EP

Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary