Friday · June 27 · 2008

- wake up too early - arabic lesson with Syonara at 12h and maroccan hammam after - Syonara complains she cant go to the hammam becaus she looks so untidy - but both too tired so we cancel the hammam

- go to studio shortly

- go to the flat - sleep for 4h





- pay attention how egyptian bad english speakers talk - its possible to get the idea of the logic of arabic language - they wont use propositions - they would say I want do this - because there is no propositions in arabic - later things go complicating with verbs and possesives

- concert at Genaina - Al Azhar Park - electronic acoustic trio called Veccia - i liked the music / the only thing was that it was a bit to formal to be sitting in kind of amfitheatre watching them playing / there is a lack of life music places in Cairo or just concerts where people are standing, dancing drinking, smoking, etc - it doesnt fit to the general codes here

- on the way back some new people take me home in their car. One of the girls Nihal is a girlfriend of an artist who is in Barcelona now doing an exchange residency. She also tells me that my bag looks like Zabbaleen make and calls her friend who is working with some NGO to see when she is going to visit Recycling Factory so I could join her. It will be sometimes this or next week. She will call me.



< - OUT (daily expences)

Type: Item: Specification: No.: Price:
alimentation hob-nobs + fruit yogurts + tuna + sardines + Blue Nile 41.35
transportation taxi to Al Azhar 1 15EP
fee enterance - Al Azhar Park 1 5EP
alimentation ice cofee Palace Al Azhar 1 8EP
fee enterance - concert Veccia 1 15EP
extra tabacco Marlboro Light 1 8EP

+ TOTAL IN: + 1.860EP
- previous expences -
- day expences -



Questions for the day:
- What unexpected happened today?
- What was the strongest experience of the day?
- Image, drawing, story...

Cairo Integration Diary